4 hour recruitment time with an opportunity for job candidates to meet face to face with HR Managers or Recruiters. Various presentations/seminars pertaining to workforce, resume, counseling on credentials-certifications necessaryfor cybersecurity employment, Information Technology, CyberSecurity, Intelligence, Engineering, Software Developers, Technology, Law Enforcement, Medical, PLUS.
JOB SEEKERSVisit www.JobZoneOnline.com to register and post/link resume. Bring copies of your resume.Continue to re-visit the website for new updates.
RECRUITERS / HR MANAGERS / HIRING MANAGERSContact JobZone to reserve space. Discounts are available if registering for multiple JobZone events.
Register Today! This event is FREE to job seekers.
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For more information:434-263-5102 office / 540-226-1473 Janet.Giles@JobZoneOnline.com