All industries and job seekers are invited!
This event will be held as IN-PERSON (Family LIfe Center-Memorial Chapel, 1901 Sisisky Blvd, Building 10600 23801) from 10-2PM and VIRTUAL from 11-2PM. Companies have the option to participate In-Person, Virtual or both. Continue to re-visit the website to confirm 'how companies will be participating'.
All job seekers who have access to the military installation are invvited.
JOB SEEKERS ….Attend in-person and virtual to connect with all companies.Address on site: The Fort Gregg-Adams Club, Building 9009 Battle Drive.• REGISTER ONLINE & POST RESUME.• View updates online prior to attending.• Bring copies of your resume.• Professional dress or business casual recommended (or military uniform)• FREE RESUME REVIEWS
-Must have a CAC card or Military ID for base entryAccess to the Fort Gregg-Adams military installation:If you do NOT have an installation pass: Gate has 100% ID check.You must enter the VCC (Visitor Control Center) building to request a day's pass. (ADDRESS: 500 Gregg Avenue, Fort Gregg-Adams, VA). To SAVE time, you may submit a request by email ( to be added to the Security List for base approval. This will eliminate some time when entering the VCC to collect your pass.Follow the guidance presented on the Fort Gregg-Adams website for entering the base if doubts concerning entry. (Visitor Information :: U.S. Army Garrison Fort Gregg-Adams)----------------------------------------------------------------For advanced approval for base entry, submit the following information to be included on the DES FORM 190-2 (Last/First/Middle Initial Name / Sex / Date of Birth / SSN / DL / ID # / State / Expiration).DEADLINE: (at least 8-10 days prior to the day of the event).Names will be processed for approval.Those that do NOT submit in time will need to have all required ID and vehicle registration in compliance for entry on the installation. (Driver's LIcense (Registration and Insurance info, if requested).
VIRTUAL - 4 DECEMBER (WEDNESDAY) - 11AM-2PMJOB SEEKER URL LINK to connect online will be available closer to the event.
• Register/Login via URL link or scan the QR Code.• Take advantage of the training video prior to chatting with companies.• View Company profiles and job vacancies prior to chatting.• Video Chats (optional).-----------------------------------------------------------COMPANIES LISTED BELOW (LINKED WITH JOB VACANCY INFORMATION)